The Third Wave of Psychedelia

A music/video/art blog that strives to cover the third wave of psychedelia...
locating and exposing psychedelic releases in music, video, and art
across the spectrum of genres, and in effect creating an
overwhelming sandwich of psychedelic proportions.


Surf City - Surf City EP

Fun. What is fun? This is fun. As in, this is really fun music to listen to. Surf City's lyrics are not necessarily decipherable, and this is the best part. Not that the lyrics are bad. But I mean, are you not happy that a song called "Dickshakers Union" is not only listenable, but 1000 times relistenable? This is a quick musical spurt of happy energy and is very much in line with those other gem-like EPs that come out every once in a while like The Little Ones - Sing Song EP and Suckers - Suckers EP...totally full of quirky anthems that cause instantaneous headbobbing. I would call it surfpunk-garage beach psych-pop...except that it's from New Zealand. They have aptly played alongside Surfer Blood at Surf Bar in Brooklyn, NY, a city that is really becoming one of the main vortexes of this new wave of psych music. Buy it at the Amazon link below...and watch for their debut album. No word yet, but passage of time and commensense says soon.

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