The Third Wave of Psychedelia

A music/video/art blog that strives to cover the third wave of psychedelia...
locating and exposing psychedelic releases in music, video, and art
across the spectrum of genres, and in effect creating an
overwhelming sandwich of psychedelic proportions.



Say hello to Starfucker. Their newest album Jupiter is a homage to their home planet. They deliver a unique funky style, incorporating vibalicious electronic synths and sounds from their habitat into spacey jams like "Boy Toy" and "Biggie Smalls." The video below is for the hit "Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second" from their 2008 self-titled first album. It is a musical documentary of their journey from the misty unpredictable atmosphere of Jupiter to the more stable and developed Earth. To confuse the people of Earth and exhibit their omnipotence and connection to the star/pyramid worshippers of Ancient Egypt, they changed their name in the fall of 2009 to PYRAMID, then to Pyramidd, and are now once again Starfucker. Listen at your own risk of becoming brainwashed.

Starfucker - German Love
Starfucker - Medicine
Starfucker - Biggie Smalls
Starfucker - Boy Toy
Starfucker - Pop Song

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