The Third Wave of Psychedelia

A music/video/art blog that strives to cover the third wave of psychedelia...
locating and exposing psychedelic releases in music, video, and art
across the spectrum of genres, and in effect creating an
overwhelming sandwich of psychedelic proportions.


The Upsidedown - The Town With Bad Wiring

More evidence that psychedelic music is here to stay, The Upsidedown's new album The Town With Bad Wiring is filled with widespread influences including shoegazey guitars, Dandy Warhols trippy pop weirdness, and Velvet Underground style groove, haziness and imagery. If that doesn't help you read into their sound and style, they are signed to the Dandy Warhols' record label, Beat the World Records, and also to Reverb Records (latest release), reverb being a key word. Video for "Hang On" below.

Videos for "Silver Wind" and "Mea Maxima Culpa" from 2008 release Human Destination below:

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