The Third Wave of Psychedelia

A music/video/art blog that strives to cover the third wave of psychedelia...
locating and exposing psychedelic releases in music, video, and art
across the spectrum of genres, and in effect creating an
overwhelming sandwich of psychedelic proportions.


PVT - Church With No Magic (2010)

PVT (formerly Pivot) is an Australian group whose influences are all over the place. For the most part, it is pretty much very experimental electro indie rock. It seems like there are no standard song structures and the sound/mood/genre of the music can change drastically from song to song. The album Church With No Magic is very sample-heavy and sometimes even gets into intelligent dance music (IDM) or math-rock territory. Whatever the ultimate classificaton, there is a good chance you will like this if you are into El Ten Eleven, Animal Collective, Yeasayer, Prefuse 73, and/or Wolf Parade (just to hit some potential common ground). The video for their hit track "Window" is insanely schizophrenic and edited very creatively, tracking the band from playing the song in their studio to a live show without moving a muscle. Check it out below:

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