The Third Wave of Psychedelia

A music/video/art blog that strives to cover the third wave of psychedelia...
locating and exposing psychedelic releases in music, video, and art
across the spectrum of genres, and in effect creating an
overwhelming sandwich of psychedelic proportions.


Blackbird Blackbird

A symphony of glitchy, dreamy, compression-ridden tracks consumes the music of Blackbird Blackbird. This genius comes from the 23 year old solo vocalist/producer Mike Maramag. His sounds travel a brightened path of psychedelia, chill wave and dream pop. Blackbird Blackbird recently signed to Arcade Sound Ltd. joining the likes of Memoryhouse and Millionyoung. Video of 'Pure' along with some other goodies (free downloads) below. Enjoy.

Give You Everything by blackbird blackbird

Grab Bag

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